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It's mental health awareness week this week so I decided to use the Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. I felt drawn to the healing energy of Raphael as I too want to feel close to his green healing aura, to support my mental health and bring some healing to my mind body and spirit.

Feel the presence of Raphael as you meditate on this card and listen for guidance. I feel when I take time to pause and reflect this allows me the space to connect with myself and my spirit. This card is asking you to consider different options around a health issue, and perhaps seek an alternative method of healing or seek a different opinion.

Raphael is guiding you towards what you need and what needs to be healed within you. Meditate and tune into his energy and listen to the messages that you hear or see around you. Sometimes just taking the time to breathe, and noticing the breath can help us to calm the mind. I understand it can be difficult at times of stress and anxiety to pause but learning to tune into your breath for a few moments a day can help to calm your mind and body allowing you to become more aware of what you need in the moment.

Where do you feel you need some healing today?  Listen to your intuition as this will guide you to what needs to be healed within you.

I understand how important it is to drink lots of water and try to exercise every day if I can even for a few minutes to support my body and my energy levels. I'm aware however of the changes in my energy levels especially now during menopause. I'm becoming more aware of how much this new phase of life is impacting my mental health and well-being. I fully understand how hard it can be to go about your day when you have been awake on and off all night either in pain or with hot flushes or insomnia. As I tuned in to the card today I felt mesmerized by the rainbow and the light coming from his hands. I feel this is guiding us all towards some energy healing of some sort and I too will look at some different ways to support myself on my healing journey in the coming days. I feel it is guiding us all to take some time out, pause and listen.

As I write my blog today I feel the need to practise more yoga and take time to breathe! I find this amazing for calming my mind when life becomes overwhelming at times and also helps to ease the aches and pains of menopause.

Perhaps you could also take the time this week to reflect on your own health needs. Consider how you can support yourself in different ways by choosing some alternative healing methods.

Whether it is through therapy such as counselling or energy healing like Reiki, the healing energy of Arch Angel Raphael will guide you when you listen to your heart, helping you to discover what works best for you.

I offer online counselling, angel cards and online reiki which are a few ways that can help you support your mind body and soul.

Contact me today to find how I can support you on your path to healing.

Love and Light

Claire x

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I love to walk in wide open spaces, near water where I can feel the sun shining on my face, if I'm lucky! In fact, I love to walk in all weathers as walking for me is so therapeutic and supports my mental health; clearing my thoughts and lifting my spirits. Moving my body either through yoga or walking gives me more energy, and helps me to connect with nature and myself more deeply.

Even better, I love walking with friends as talking and walking is great for mental health. Being with other people can help make you feel more connected. It gives me a sense of belonging which certainly helps support my mental health and well-being.

Physical activity and movement is the theme for Mental Health Awareness Week which is a fantastic reminder to move our bodies. Movement helps our brains to unwind from the day but I recognise it can be hard sometimes to fit exercise into our busy lives.

For me, even a short walk to the shop or a few stretches whilst making dinner, a quick 10 minutes on the yoga mat can make all the difference to my mood.

How can you add more movement to your days this week to support your well-being?

Scan the QR code and find new ways to support your mental health this week.

Love and light

Claire x

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Welcome to another reading for this week and happy New Moon in Taurus today.

I'm using the Moon Dust Tarot cards by Florence Saul. The energy of the Taurus wants you to focus on what you love, what brings you pleasure, your home environment, and how you relate to money.

The new moon is when you begin to set new intentions and consider what you want to grow and develop in the coming weeks. It is usually best to wait for the crescent moon before taking action as this is when there is more light; giving energy to your plans and intentions. As the moon starts to grow so too will your hopes and wishes. Just like a seed your plans need nurturing to help them to blossom.

Look within your soul at this new moon to find the essence of who you are and believe that you can shine. Let go of negative perceptions of the self at the new moon and set new intentions around what brings you joy. Trust in the knowledge that you are an abundant spirit and are capable of sharing all your natural gifts and talents with the world. What areas of your life would you like to transform and develop in May?

This card is asking you to believe in yourself and trust your intuition. Believe that all the treasures and abundance within the Universe can be yours. Take time to stop and pause during this powerful new moon and reflect on what your mind, body and spirit need. When you take the time to listen to your intuition you will hear the answers within your soul. Remember to be guided by what is in your heart and know you are worthy.

New Moon Blessings

Claire x

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