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"Are you taking the necessary steps to reach your goals?"

I'm using the Energy Oracle cards by Sandra Anne Taylor this week.

The card Action has the image of two horses galloping towards something, racing towards something new. The number 17 on this card is significant of new opportunities and searching for your true purpose. When you add the numbers together in numerology it becomes an 8 which is symbolic of infinity and success. This number is also about finding balance in your life betweeen being successful and also recognizing and honouring your spiritual needs. Where do you need to find balance this week?

In the past few days have you been thinking about taking action on a new beginning or opportunity? The Uranus and Jupiter conjunction which occurred on the 20th of April, is significant as it often brings fast and rapid change. This energy is quite electric and this particular conjunction has not happened in the sign of Taurus since 1941.

Uranus is the planet of revolution and huge shifts, change and transformation. Jupiter, is considered the lucky planet, associated with hope and faith and it tends to expand everything it comes close to. It is likely that this conjunction will amplify those themes linked to personal transformation, new opportunities and revolutionary ideas. Does it feel like something in your life needs to be changed, or transformed in some way?

This card is suggesting that it is time to take action. Is there something that you want to do now which is a little out of the ordinary or out of your comfort zone? It is time to race towards something new. Horses are very intuitive animals, and this card is asking you to listen and trust in your intuition. Take some action now to move forward towards your goals this week. The horses are racing towards something and are following their intuitive spirit. What are you racing towards?

Trust that you are on the right path and that all the hard work you have put in place in recent weeks will move you forward towards your goals or new adventure. Taking action will give you the sense of freedom and life that you desire. It takes courage to step out of a comfort zone but use the energy of this card to propel you forward on your new path.

With the full moon in Scorpio also today think about what is being illuminated in your emotional or inner world that will help transform your life going forward.

With full Moon blessings

Claire x

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